Integrate these 10 fiber-rich foods to improve digestion, reduce weight even more efficiently, and maintain a healthy weight.

The Health Benefits of Fiber-Rich Foods
Fiber-rich foods regulate blood cholesterol levels. According to Heidi Bates, a professional dietician at Tri-Nutrition Consulting in Sherwood Park, Alberta, fibers significantly impact our health. “In our body, the fibers act like a sponge: they absorb the elements that drag in our digestive tract and help to make them disappear,” she says. And this is why they are said to be fighting bad cholesterol. By clinging to specific cholesterol components, they help reduce cholesterol levels.
Because fiber comes mainly from plants, a fatty diet tends to provide an abundance of vitamins and minerals while being low in calories, lipids, sugar, and salt. According to Heidi Bates, this is precisely the type of diet that a dietitian would recommend. As such, Health Canada recommends that 25 to 30 grams of fiber be consumed per day.