7/. Parsnips
The pants are white or cream. They have a little hazelnut flavor and, like carrots, can be steamed, braised, roasted, sautéed, boiled, or prepared in cream. According to the BC Fresh vegetable website, they are also rich in vitamin C, potassium, and folic acid. In the Middle Ages, they were highly appreciated during Lent, being rich in soluble fibers. “Soluble fibers, as found in vegetables and fruits, are important because of their ability to regulate blood sugar levels. Also, they induce a feeling of fullness that prevents us from overeating,” says Bates. Perhaps this is the reason why parsnips were so popular among those who avoided consuming meat during Lent.
How to eat them: Served raw, the palate has a bitter flavor that most people probably won’t like; braised, roasted, or steamed, they are delicious. And Fiber content: 2.7 grams per half-cup.